Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sooo, Where Have You Been Jerisew(s)?????

Hello, Blogland! I bet you thought I jumped in the lake, never to surface. Well, I didn't do that, but what I have been doing is LOTS of work...non stop. This past week was intense, but fruitful...carpet in, lights, beds set up. I found that ALL the bedding that was put into plastic bags, clean, over the winter construction, got very constructiony smelling, so I did about 12 or 13 loads of bedding. Moved furniture around, unpacked boxes, cleaned construction dirt, cleaned construction dirt, cleaned construction get the picture. I made curtains for all the guest bedroom windows, and one shower curtain. I have lots more windows to do, but it will happen. This weekend we have 4 out of 6 of our kids and their families here. So far we are finding the new areas are working well. We still have lots of details to finish, but it will happen! All the kids love the new spaces. Carl and I are both exhausted, and Carl's back is almost shot. But, we have three days of family fun, forcing us to take a break from the construction and just enjoy the space so far. As with any construction, it is taking a bunch longer than we thought. But, it is so much better than we thought it was going to be. A few pictures are posted. Thank you for your concerns by my silence. I am surprised by how many people have contacted me to see what was wrong! Jerilynn


  1. The photos show a wonderful family getaway, I knew something(s) wonderful would show up when you had the chance to return. Thanks for sharing! These are every bit as great as you see in the magazines..have you thought about inviting them over to show off your retreat? =)

  2. Whew! Glad to see you were just busy! Everythig is looking grand!! Good work to both of you. Rest for the weekend!

  3. is looking so great! Your hard work and Carl's has made a wonderful lake home with lots of room for family and friends. Enjoy a few days of rest with your family! Kim
