Monday, December 27, 2010

Duck! Another Coaster!

Really loving the cross stitch program on the Bernina V6. Super, super easy! Now that Christmas is over, I am starting to think spring. I supposed I should do some Valentine or St. Pat's stuff first, but this little quacker just caught my fancy. The idea came from a dish towel that my sister bought me from the Coffee Grounds. We went there to get a coffee and were hoping their cute Christmas towels were on sale. Hmm, nope, no reductions. So, we had a coffee (our choices weren't the best tasting) and then looked around. I got another pair of cute socks - thanks, Sandy! - and the duck towel. They also had some word pictures, with the letters made out of pictures of things that look like the letter. I am sure you have seen the idea around. Anyway, I am thinking that I might make some kind of word for above the cupboards when I take down the NOEL from Christmas. Not sure what word or words I am going to for ideas, here, folks. Jerilynn

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