Thursday, October 28, 2010

Folkart Clothesline Tote Class Stars!

Look at those happy faces! This was the second half of the Folkart Clothesline Tote class. What a great group of talented women! I think I learned more from them and their ideas and suggestions than they learned from me. I loved how each tote turned out so differently and I loved all the different I have said before, my totes seem to look the same. I guess we are all drawn to our favorites. All of the ladies said they were going to make another tote after this one - I sure hope they send me a picture of them. I did buy some fabrics that were unlike I usually pick out to make a new tote, but I didn't get it done in time for the class. We have had quite a couple of weeks of family health issues with parents and that has taken priority. Knock on wood, but tomorrow looks pretty clear. Do you think I may be able to do some sewing machine therapy? I sure hope so. But, I had such a good time with the above ladies tonight and during the first class, that I will go to bed with a happy heart. Thank you to them! Jerilynn

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