Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hudson Bay Dishcloth

My friend Laura from Next Door Laura gave me a great suggestion.  She read my blog "Inspiration" from November when I talked about the Hudson Bay Blanket that was knitted out of wool.  She commented that I should make that design into a washcloth.  Brilliant!!!  A bit of knervous knitting later, I have one done.  It is very cabiny, don't you think?  The yarn didn't cost much at all, compared to what the blanket yarn would have cost, and I got it done before I had to give up knitting due to arthritic hands.  I am sure that even if I could afford all the yarn for the blanket that it would be a bag project for many, many years.  Bag project?  Don't pretend to not know what that buy all the stuff you need for something and you can't wait to begin.  Then life happens, or maybe something else shiny catches your eye.  Suddenly, you have multi bags full of stuff to do.  It is so overwhelming that you decide to just to knit dishcloths.  Jerilynn


  1. Oh, Jerilynn, I can relate. . . when things get too overwhelming for me, I go take care of paperwork!

    Love that dishcloth. Keep up the great posts.

    Happy holidays.


    1. Love the Hudson Bay dishcloth.

  2. Well done and very fetching!

    Bag projects? You mean like the Baby Surprise sweater pattern and yarn purchased on our last outing together, still in the original yarn shop bag three years later?

  3. Thank you for completing my "bag project" before your hands told you not to! And since I am a fan of all things Hudson Bay (love the blankets, when I can afford them), I think this washcloth is wonderful! Ho, Ho, Hope your holidays are happy.
    Love, Me

  4. Great dishcloth!

    I also have several bag projects...retirement projects I am calling them....if I ever get to retire!

